Going Through Teatment

Pre and post operative tips for patients receiving breast cancer treatment

Trust in God
Pray and trust in God for no matter how tough the odds are, your trust in God can do wonders for you. 
Will Power
Your will power to fight the disease off does count a lot, its a proven fact not only in cancer treatment but all kinds of terminal illnesses.
Personal Hygiene
Pay special attention to your personal hygiene because your immune system weakens due to the disease itself and the hard medications being administered.
Follow prescribed diet plan
Now this is very important, follow your doctor's prescribed diet plan, this hastens your healing process.
Take extraordinary care of affected side
The affected side or the operated side is to be really well taken care of in breast cancer patients, take special care to avoiding cuts, burns and pressure. You are not allowed to take infusions and even blood pressure readings on the operated side arm. 
Taking regular prescribed exercise is a must because if you don't you may develop problems, a swelled arm could be one of them.  
Optimistic approach
The optimistic approach is in fact very closely related to your will power as without it you will not have the will power to fight the disease off.
Avoid contacting contagious diseases
A weak immune system is prone to catch infectious diseases like cold, flue cough, you have to really watch out for this during chemotherapy.
Never miss an appointment
Fighting off a disease like cancer you simply can not afford to miss an appointment with your doctor.
Never hold back any thing from your doctor
Doctors treating cancer are very professional and where precisely calculated decisions are involved holding back any kind of related information can have drastic effects.